Treasure Hunting 101 — Mastermind Treasure Hunts (2024)

The rules for a treasure hunt are designed to make it a fair and fun experience for everyone. Teams are out in a public setting and must really police themselves to ensure that everyone complies with the rules.

Do not open and view the clues prior to the announcement that the hunt has started. Soon after the scheduled start time the hunt will begin. Then and only then should you open you clue packets and view the clues.

Teams must travel on foot. With the exception of those who have a physical limitation and require assisted transport to get around (wheelchairs, etc.), teams cannot use cars, trucks, taxis, buses, bicycles or any other motorized or wheeled transport.

Teams must stay together. Teams must be at the same clue site at the same time, and you must stay within sight and earshot of each other. Team members should not use cell phones to communicate, unless you’ve become separated for some reason. Members should not run ahead of the others to solve clues. If someone gets separated from the team, has to leave early, or to stop for health reasons, that person can rejoin you later, but cannot participate by working on clues while they are away from the rest of the team.

Teams are free to utilize resources which exist independently of the treasure hunt. Provided those resources don’t violate any of the other rules, teams are encouraged to use bookstores, libraries, shop vendors, (town historians, if you can find them) to assist with clues. It improves the overall experience to interact with different people along the way.

Teams may use smartphones or mobile internet devices. While we can't keep you from using the internet, we ask that you please use it responsibly (i.e., not as a way to get a final answer to a clue without actually visiting the clue location). If the above confuses you in any way, here are a couple of guidelines:

• If anything makes you think, "Is this cheating?", it probably is. Don't do it.
• If anything makes you think, "Is this a really clever loophole?", it's probably cheating.
Don't do it.

Do not move, tamper with, destroy, or otherwise alter the answers at the clue locations.

Do not guess. You must have visited the clue sites during the hunt in order to correctly answer the question. It is generally not possible to get the correct answer without having physically visited the clue locations.

Answers on the score sheet should be legible and exact. In order to receive credit for a correct answer we must be able to read your answer and it should be the only answer for that clue. There are no partially correct answers, and no extra points will be offered.

All team members must be present when turning in your score sheets. Excepting if a team member has had to leave early, all members should be present when you submit your answers.

If it is discovered that cheating has taken place, sanctions will be imposed or a team could be disqualified.
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Treasure Hunting 101 — Mastermind Treasure Hunts (2024)


How do you win treasure hunts easily? ›

Teams must stay together.

Teams must be at the same clue site at the same time, and you must stay within sight and earshot of each other. Team members should not use cell phones to communicate, unless you've become separated for some reason. Members should not run ahead of the others to solve clues.

How to solve treasure hunt clues? ›

First, decide where you want to hide your clue, then think up a way to describe that object or location. Many of these riddles rhyme, so after thinking up your item, you may want to find a pair of rhyming words that relate to the object, and write the clue from there.

How many of the secret treasure hunt have been solved? ›

Since the book's publication, only three treasures have been found in Chicago, Cleveland, and Boston. There will be no further clues from Preiss himself, who died in a car accident in 2005. One of the undiscovered casques is believed to be somewhere in Milwaukee—where, however, is a mystery.

How many clues for treasure hunt? ›

If you're running the hunt for kids and want it to be relatively short, you should not have more than 10 items, as it will become overwhelming for them. However, if you're aiming for a longer game with adults who can quickly decipher clues, your items could range anywhere from 20 to 50.

What is treasure hunt strategy? ›

In retail, “treasure hunting” is a system where a full stock of items is not offered. Instead, a greater variety of items is available, with only a few of each item on shelves. In this model, there might only be one or two of a particular item available at any given time, with shelves sorted by category, not product.

How to master treasure hunt? ›

Decide where you are going to hide the treasure, and then design your clues leading away from that place – it's easier to plan hunts backwards. Consider writing yourself a crib sheet of locations, so that you know where you've hidden all the clues.

How to set up clues for a treasure hunt? ›

Step 4: Create clues and riddles
  1. Questions: Ask questions and have the answers as the clues. ...
  2. Rhyming clues: Rhyming clues add a level of fun and whimsy to your scavenger hunt. ...
  3. Fill in the blanks: Create clues that give away locations but have some letters removedExample: _N_E_ _H_ B_G _R_E (UNDER THE BIG TREE)

How to make treasure hunt questions? ›

40 best clues for your ultimate scavenger hunt
  1. You cut me on a table, but I'm never eaten. ...
  2. A band that doesn't play instruments but has plenty of styles. ( ...
  3. Everything ends with me. ...
  4. How many glasses of water can one drink on an empty stomach? ( ...
  5. I am not a lamp, but I can light up. ...
  6. I am not an organ, but I have 13 hearts.
Oct 12, 2022

What is a bed without sheets and I'm always dirty? ›

50. Flowerbed. I'm a bed without sheets and always dirty.

Which of the 12 secret treasures has been found? ›

The first was found in Chicago, Illinois; the second in Cleveland, Ohio; and the most recent treasure box was found in Boston, Massachusetts. The remaining nine treasure boxes have not yet been recovered.

Has anyone ever found real treasure? ›

Found in the 1980s in the town of Środa Ślaska, Poland, the Środa Treasure is a 14th-century hoard of gold and silver coins, precious stones, jewelry, and a gold crown. It is worth a cool $120 million. Workers discovered the hoard during demolition work in 1985.

Which treasure has never been found? ›

  • The Amber Room. The interior of the Amber Room glistens in St. ...
  • Sarcophagus of Menkaure. This antique illustration shows the sarcophagus of Menkaure, on the Giza Plateau in Egypt. ( ...
  • Ark of the Covenant. ...
  • Honjo Masamune sword. ...
  • Crown jewels of Ireland. ...
  • Sappho's lost poems. ...
  • Dead bishop's treasure. ...
  • The Just Judges.
Feb 20, 2024

How many of the 12 treasures have been found? ›

To date only three out twelve treasures have been found– one in Chicago (discovered in 1983 in Grant Park ), Cleveland (2004 in the Greek Cultural Garden), and the most recent was found in Boston (2019, Langone Park).

What is the hardest treasure to find? ›

Here are 10 lost treasures of the world whose value cannot be measured.
  • Lost Dutchman Mine. ...
  • The Library of the Moscow Tsars. ...
  • The Amber Room. ...
  • Ark of the Covenant. ...
  • Romanov Easter Eggs. ...
  • Jewels of King John. ...
  • Lost Inca Gold. ...
  • Dead Sea Copper Scroll Treasures. Fragment of a Dead Sea Scroll, Jordan Museum, Amman.
Jun 17, 2020

How long are master clues? ›

Master clue scrolls can be between 6 and 8 steps long.

What is the rarest chest in treasure hunt? ›

Information. The Jackpot Chest is the rarest chest in the game, and is extremely hard to dig to for early game players due to its 10 million HP, but it's very powerful for very late game players - few backpacks actually hold the capacity needed to dig this chest.

What is the treasure hunt strategy of Costco? ›

When you visit Costco, one thing is certain: you never know what you'll find or where you'll find it. This is what's known as Costco's "treasure hunt." The design layout of every warehouse is constantly changing as employees shift products around and rotate the items on sale.

Can you make money treasure hunting? ›

You can start your own treasure hunting company and employ several bounty hunters or treasure hunters. This will take a lot of your time and patience, and it will involve a lot of hard work to set up. You can also organize expeditions to discover hidden treasures.

What chest gives you the most money in treasure hunt simulator? ›

Chest NameHealthCoin Rewards
Mars Chest1253,000,000 - 9,000,000
Astronaut Chest12510,000 - 30,000
Legendary Chest62512,500 - 37,500
Christmas Chest2,50050,000 - 150,000
29 more rows

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.