Tips For Creating A Fun Treasure Hunt With TurfHunt (2024)

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Tips For Creating A Fun Treasure Hunt With TurfHunt (9)

Tips for Creating a Fun Treasure Hunt with TurfHunt

Treasure hunts are a classic way to bring people together and create a fun and exciting experience. With the help of TurfHunt, creating a treasure hunt has become easier than ever before. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips and tricks to help you create a fun treasure hunt with TurfHunt.

Choose a theme

The first step to creating a fun treasure hunt is to choose a theme. A theme adds an element of excitement to the hunt and makes it more engaging for the participants. Depending on the purpose of your game (birthday, team-building, event, etc.), different types of themes might be more suitable. Popular themes include pirates, aliens, superheroes, and ancient civilizations. Once you have chosen a theme, you can design clues and puzzles that are relevant to the theme.

Determine the area

The next step is to determine the area where the treasure hunt will take place. Choose a safe location that has enough space for the participants to move around. It is a good idea to test your game on-location to ensure there is sufficient GPS coverage for the game to work. The location can be a park, school, or any other public space – just make sure to get permission from the relevant authorities before organizing the event.

Create engaging media

Your game will need to guide players through a series of challenges and locations. To do this effectively, you will need to use suitable and engaging media; audio works great – but text, images and video are also useful ways of giving additional contextual or entertaining information. Check out media websites like envato or pixabay for high quality media, and don’t be scared to use humour throughout your game – we all like a good laugh!

Create useful clues

Clues are an essential part of any treasure hunt. They add an element of difficulty and excitement to the hunt. You can create clues in the form of riddles, puzzles, or scavenger hunt-style tasks. Make sure the clues are not too difficult or too easy, and ensure that they are relevant to the theme of the treasure hunt. They can be text or audio based.

Utilize TurfHunt features

TurfHunt has several features that can be used to create a fun treasure hunt. The app allows you to create virtual treasure (challenge) locations for players to find and award players points or visual rewards for completing challenges. Try combining different challenge types such as photo challenges, questions or mini-games. You can also use the app to track the progress of the participants and add an extra layer of excitement and challenge to the hunt.

Create teams

Divide the participants into teams and give each team a team name. This adds a fun competitive element to the treasure hunt and makes it more engaging for the participants. You can also assign a team leader to each team to help them stay organized and on track.

Hide the treasure (s) well

Finding the treasure (reward/answers) are the ultimate goal of the treasure hunt. Hide the treasure in locations that’s not too difficult to find but still require some effort. Make sure to keep it in a safe spot and avoid placing it in a dangerous or inaccessible location. Play around with the size of the GPS radius for triggering the treasure, large radiuses make it easier and smaller ones will make it more difficult to find the precise location (15m is the recommended minimum). The treasure can include a physical prize hidden on location, or it can be a digital reward or piece of information that provides answers to the game challenges.

Set a time limit (optional!)

Setting a time limit for the treasure hunt adds an element of urgency and excitement to the event. Make sure to give the participants enough time to complete the treasure hunt but not too much that it becomes tedious. Time-based games can rank winning teams based on fastest times! Let’s go!

Have fun!

Finally, remember to have fun! A treasure hunt is a great way to bring people together and create a memorable experience. Make sure to take plenty of pictures and share them on social media to help promote future events.

Organizing a treasure hunt with TurfHunt can be a fun and exciting experience. By following these tips and tricks, you can create a memorable event that participants will talk about for years to come.

So, what are you waiting for? Start making your treasure hunt today!

Sam Liddell2023-07-24T13:20:20+00:00

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Tips For Creating A Fun Treasure Hunt With TurfHunt (2024)


Tips For Creating A Fun Treasure Hunt With TurfHunt? ›

Clues are an essential part of any treasure hunt. They add an element of difficulty and excitement to the hunt. You can create clues in the form of riddles, puzzles, or scavenger hunt-style tasks. Make sure the clues are not too difficult or too easy, and ensure that they are relevant to the theme of the treasure hunt.

How do you make a treasure hunt more fun? ›

Write and number the clues, and put them in numbered envelopes I wrote some bad poetry ("This clue hides/At the bottom of a very long slide"), scrambled kids' names and generally had fun creating little puzzles for them to solve. You'll hand the kids the first clue, which will lead them to the next, and so on.

How do you structure a treasure hunt? ›

How To Plan Your Own Scavenger Hunt
  1. Choose your location(s) and time. ...
  2. Pick a theme. ...
  3. Create your lists and riddles. ...
  4. Hide the clues and/or objects. ...
  5. Write your riddles/clues. ...
  6. First one to solve all the clues and grab the final object/figures out the end result wins!

How to create treasure hunt clues? ›

You can photograph the location yourself or use any graphic that depicts the hiding location (eg. a picture of a fridge can be drawn, photographed, clipped from a magazine, or found online). Before cutting up the picture, be sure to write the location of the next clue on the back or front of that picture.

How do you make a fun treasure hunt for adults? ›

Here are some steps you can follow for a successful treasure hunt activity:
  1. Hide objects or tell the team what they need to find.
  2. Give the team clues of what they will find.
  3. Define the search location.
  4. Determine the time the team has to find the objects.
  5. The first team to complete the task wins.
Dec 11, 2023

How long should a treasure hunt be? ›

A good rule of thumb is to aim to have your scavenger hunt last 30 minutes to an hour. If you have younger participants, veer towards the 30-minute mark, as they have a shorter attention span. If you have a group of determined adults, you can easily complete an hour of solid hunting.

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On a separate piece of paper, write your treasure hunt story, using the map, your notes, and your research to guide you. Format your story in 10 paragraphs, with each paragraph containing a clue as to where the next clue is hidden, except the last one.

What is the rule for buried treasure? ›

The finder's rights depend on how the found property is categorized. If the found property is lost, abandoned, or treasure trove, the person who found it gets to keep it unless the original owner claims it (so actually, unless the original owner claims it, the rule is “finders keepers”).

Where can I hide clues for a treasure hunt? ›

Indoor Scavenger Hunt Clue Hiding Locations:
  • stuck to stuffed animals.
  • inside movie cases.
  • inside books.
  • pockets of clothing.
  • inside a shoe.
  • inside or on the bottom of a toy.
  • behind picture frames.
  • in a cookie jar.
Oct 10, 2012

How to present clues? ›

Place a clue outside a cupboard or in a coat's pocket. Maybe tuck one behind a picture frame. The trickier the hiding spot, the better. Write the clues so they correspond to their hiding spots, but don't shy away from using your craftiest language.

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50. Flowerbed. I'm a bed without sheets and always dirty.

How long should a treasure hunt last? ›

A good rule of thumb is to aim to have your scavenger hunt last 30 minutes to an hour. If you have younger participants, veer towards the 30-minute mark, as they have a shorter attention span. If you have a group of determined adults, you can easily complete an hour of solid hunting.

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Some creative ways to make sure the scavenger hunt is super personalized include: displaying pictures of the two of you throughout the hunt, incorporating inside jokes, nicknames, and shared memories in the clues, sending them to meaningful locations for clues (like where you had your first date), or having a pet help ...

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