How To Play The Magic Tooth Fairy Game (2024)

The Magic Tooth Fairy Game is a board game where players navigate through a tooth-fairy-inspired landscape to collect teeth and exchange them for golden coins from the fairy’s castle.

In this family-friendly game, each player takes on the role of a child who has lost their baby teeth.

The objective is to gather these teeth by moving around the board and converting them into golden coins at the magical fairy’s castle.

For 2 to 4 players, ages 5 and up.

The game duration is approximately 20-30 minutes.

Engaging gameplay teaches patience, strategy, and counting skills.

The unique tooth-to-coin mechanism adds surprise and excitement to the game.

The Magic Tooth Fairy Game is a delightful way to engage children in a fun activity while subtly teaching valuable life lessons.

With its colorful and enchanting board design, easy-to-understand rules, and unique gameplay, it’s a game the whole family can enjoy together.

Parents will appreciate the opportunity to interact and bond with their children, while kids will love the thrill of turning teeth into shiny golden coins.

How To Play The Magic Tooth Fairy Game (1)

Table of Contents

6 Steps: How to Play the Magic Tooth Fairy Game

1SetupPlace the Magic Bed in the center of the playing area and distribute the Tooth Fairy cards, tooth tokens, and coin tokens evenly among the players.
2Tooth LossOn a player’s turn, they roll the die and move their Tooth Fairy piece accordingly on the game board. If they land on a “Tooth Loss” space, they place one of their tooth tokens into the Magic Bed.
3Coin CollectionIf a player lands on a “Coin” space, they collect the corresponding coin token from the bank.
4Magic BedIf a player lands on a “Magic Bed” space, they can wave their Tooth Fairy wand over the Magic Bed to turn any tooth tokens inside into coin tokens. The player takes all the coin tokens from the bed.
5Tooth Fairy CardsIf a player lands on a “Tooth Fairy Card” space, they draw a card and follow its instructions. These cards can provide bonus actions or special abilities.
6WinningThe first player to collect a set amount of coin tokens, usually determined at the beginning of the game, wins the Magic Tooth Fairy Game.

How to Get Started With the Magic Tooth Fairy Game

The Magic Tooth Fairy Game is a fun and imaginative board game that engages children as they navigate the journey of losing baby teeth and receiving rewards from the tooth fairy.

To get started with the Magic Tooth Fairy Game, ensure you have all the necessary components and follow the simple steps to set up the board and understand the rules.

This exciting game is a fantastic way to spend quality time with your children while teaching them about the magic of the tooth fairy.

Here’s a quick rundown on how to start the Magic Tooth Fairy Game:

  • Unbox the game and verify all necessary components are included:
    • Game board
    • Magic bed
    • Tooth fairy wand
    • Teeth
    • Playing pieces
    • Coin tokens
    • Instructions
  • Set up the game board by placing the magic bed in the center and positioning teeth and playing pieces according to the instructions.
  • Read through the rules carefully to understand how to play, and explain them to all participating players.
  • Determine the order of play, and let the fun begin!

As you play the game, remember to appreciate the excitement and joy that the Magic Tooth Fairy Game can bring to your family and friends. Happy playing!

Also Read: Can I See the Tooth Fairy

Rules and Strategy Guide for Playing the Magic Tooth Fairy Game

The Magic Tooth Fairy Game is a fun and engaging board game designed for children aged 5 and up, where players work to collect lost teeth and turn them into shiny gold coins with the help of a magical tooth fairy.

To excel in this game, players need to strategize and be mindful of the rules.

  • Roll the dice and move your character around the board
  • Land on a “tooth space” to pick up a tooth-shaped playing piece
  • Land on a “magic pillow space” to exchange a tooth for a gold coin
  • Avoid landing on “accident spaces” to prevent losing teeth or coins
  • The first player to collect a set number of gold coins wins

Magic Tooth Fairy Game Equipment and Supplies Needed

To play the Magic Tooth Fairy Game, you’ll need to gather the right equipment and supplies to ensure a fun and enjoyable experience for all the participants.

This game is designed for players aged five and up and can accommodate 2-4 players.

Before starting the game, make sure you have the following items:

  • Magic Tooth Fairy Game Board
  • 16 Tooth Fairy character cards (4 cards per player)
  • 64 Tooth Fairy tokens (16 per player)
  • 32 Plastic teeth
  • 1 Spinner
  • 1 Tooth Fairy wand
  • 1 Set of rules or instructions

Tips and Tricks for Winning the Magic Tooth Fairy Game

Winning the Magic Tooth Fairy Game is all about strategic moves and good decision-making.

As you play this delightful game, your aim is to collect the most teeth by moving around the board and swapping lost teeth for gold coins.

By keeping these tips and tricks in mind, you’ll increase your chances of winning and becoming a master tooth fairy in no time!

  • Plan your moves wisely: Focus on landing on the right spaces that can lead you to collect more teeth and gold coins.
  • Hold onto your gold coins: Save your coins for future trades when you have more teeth to exchange. This will maximize your returns and increase your chances of winning.
  • Trade strategically: When trading teeth for coins, consider whether it’s the right time to do so or not. Sometimes it’s better to wait for a more advantageous trade.
  • Be prepared for setbacks: This game has a few curveballs that can set you back, such as the “toothache” and “dentist” cards. Stay positive and focus on your strategy to bounce back quickly.
  • Adapt and learn from other players: Watch and learn from your opponents’ moves and strategies to help you improve your own gameplay.

Overall, mastering the Magic Tooth Fairy Game is all about making smart choices and being adaptable to the game’s twists and turns.

Keep practicing and applying these tips, and you’ll be the ultimate tooth fairy champion!

What to Do If You Get Stuck Playing the Magic Tooth Fairy Game

If you find yourself stuck while playing the Magic Tooth Fairy Game, it’s essential to assess the situation and determine what you can do next.

Keep in mind that the objective of the game is to collect the most teeth, transform them into glittering coins, and become a successful tooth fairy.

Sometimes, players might be unsure of the rules or get confused during gameplay, which can make it difficult to progress.

To overcome these challenges, follow these simple steps:

  • Revisit the game instructions: Carefully read the instruction manual to ensure that you understand all the rules and steps of the game.
  • Ask for help: If you’re playing with others, ask for their opinions or suggestions on how to proceed. They might have different perspectives that can help you make the best decision.
  • Try a different strategy: If your current approach isn’t working, consider trying a new tactic to get unstuck.
  • Take a break: If you’re feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, take a moment to step away from the game and clear your mind. When you return, you may find it easier to think of a solution.


In conclusion, playing the Magic Tooth Fairy Game can be a fun and engaging experience for all ages.

Whether you’re looking for a new game to play with family and friends, or just want to try something new, the Magic Tooth Fairy Game is definitely worth trying out.

With the rules, strategy guide, and tips provided, players can easily get started and plan their moves to win the game.

Remember to have all the necessary equipment and supplies ready, and if you ever get stuck, don’t be afraid to ask for help. So, gather your tooth tokens and fairy wands, and let the Magic Tooth Fairy Game begin!

Also Read: How to Catch the Tooth Fairy on Camera


  • Magic Tooth Fairy Game is a fun and engaging game for all ages.
  • Follow the rules, strategy guide, and tips to get started and plan your moves.
  • Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and supplies.
  • Ask for help if you get stuck.

Action List:

  • Read the rules and strategy guide before playing.
  • Have all the necessary equipment and supplies ready.
  • Use the tips and tricks provided to plan your moves.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck.


What is the Magic Tooth Fairy Game?

The Magic Tooth Fairy Game is a fun and interactive game for children to enjoy.

Players will collect ‘magic teeth’ by completing tasks and exchanging them with the Tooth Fairy. Each tooth rewards the player with a magical adventure.

How do I get started playing the game?

To get started, download the Magic Tooth Fairy app onto your mobile device, or access the game online.

You will need to register and create an account so the Tooth Fairy can keep track of your progress.

After that, you’re ready to start collecting teeth and having magical adventures!

What can I do with the magic teeth?

With the magic teeth, you can exchange them for special rewards and items from the Tooth Fairy.

You can also use them to purchase upgrades and access new levels in the game.

Who can play the Magic Tooth Fairy Game?

The Magic Tooth Fairy Game can be enjoyed by children of all ages.

The game is suitable for children as young as 4 years old, so they can join in with their parents, siblings, or friends for some magical fun!

Video On How To Play Magic Tooth Fairy Game

How do you play the magic Tooth Fairy board game?

If you’re looking for an exciting board game that combines the thrill of competition with the mystery of magic, then the Magic Tooth Fairy board game might be just what you need.

This fun-filled game is designed for players of all ages and can provide hours of entertainment. However, with all great board games, learning how to play can be a bit intimidating.

That’s why we’ve put together a simple guide to help you learn how you can play the magic Tooth Fairy board game.

Here are a few steps to follow:

  • Set up the board: Start by opening up your magic Tooth Fairy game box and setting up the game board. Place the tooth fairy cards in their designated pouch and the player pieces in their starting spaces.
  • Roll the dice: The first player rolls the dice and moves their piece to the required number of spaces. Follow the instructions on the space where the player lands.
  • Collect teeth: The game objective is that each player must collect four teeth in any color. The teeth can be collected from the tooth fairy cards or the tooth spaces.
  • Use cards: Players can use their magical tooth fairy cards to cast spells, move other players’ positions or protect themselves from mischievous fairies.
  • Finishing the game: A player can finish the game after having collected four teeth of any kind. If two or more players reach the finish spot on the same turn, the one with the most teeth wins.

The Magic Tooth Fairy game is an excellent way for families to spend time together while laughing and playing.

It’s flexible enough to adjust the difficulty based on the player’s age and skill level.

With these simple instructions, anyone can quickly learn how to play the game and enjoy the mystery and excitement of the magical world of tooth fairies.

Here are a few interesting facts about the Magic Tooth Fairy board game you might not know:

  • The game was created by the company Bright Innovations and originally hit store shelves back in 2012.
  • The game box includes three levels of difficulty, ensuring that everyone can have fun playing the game.
  • The Magic Tooth Fairy game teaches children the importance of taking care of their teeth while playing.

How to Play the Fairy Game?

Are you looking for a fun and magical game to play with your friends or children?

Also Read: Is There a Tooth Fairy in Spain

Look no further than the Fairy Game! It’s a simple game that can be played with just a few players and doesn’t require any special equipment or preparation.

Here’s how to play:

  1. Begin by choosing one player to be the Fairy.
  2. The other players then gather in a circle around the Fairy.
  3. The Fairy then closes their eyes and counts to 10 while the other players silently choose their roles:
    • Flower: hold your hands up like petals and say “I’m a flower”.
    • Tree: stand still with your arms up like branches and say “I’m a tree”.
    • Butterfly: flutter your arms like wings and say “I’m a butterfly”.
    • Frog: crouch down and say “I’m a frog”.
  4. Once the Fairy finishes counting, they open their eyes and try to identify the players’ chosen roles by saying their names and their guessed role. For example, “Sally, you’re a butterfly”.
  5. If the Fairy successfully guesses a player’s role, that player becomes the next Fairy. If the Fairy doesn’t guess anyone’s role, they remain the Fairy for another round.

Playing the Fairy Game is a fun way to spark the imagination and creativity of both kids and adults. Give it a try and let your imagination take flight!

How does the Tooth Fairy work?

The Tooth Fairy is a mythical figure popular in Western culture, who visits children while they sleep to exchange their lost baby teeth for a small gift or money.

Children typically lose their baby teeth between the ages of six and twelve, which is when the Tooth Fairy might make an appearance.

The concept of the Tooth Fairy has evolved over time, originally serving as a way to celebrate and ease the growing pains of losing baby teeth, while also encouraging good oral hygiene among young children.

  • Child loses a baby tooth.
  • Child places the tooth under their pillow before going to sleep.
  • Tooth Fairy visits during the night, takes the tooth, and leaves a small gift or money in exchange.
  • Child wakes up to discover the surprise left by the Tooth Fairy.

How do you answer the question about the Tooth Fairy?

If you have children, chances are that at some point they’ll come to you with the age-old question – “Is the Tooth Fairy real?” This moment can be tricky for many parents, especially if they’re not sure how to approach it.

Some parents might want to keep the magic alive, while others might want to be upfront and honest.

In this post, we’ll provide some tips on how to answer this question and help you navigate this situation in a way that works best for you and your child.

  • It’s important to understand that every child is different, and there’s no one “right” way to handle this situation.
  • Consider your child’s personality and their age before answering this question.
  • It’s okay to say that the Tooth Fairy is a fun idea or a make-believe character.
  • If you decide to be honest, be sure to have a conversation with your child about why people tell stories about the Tooth Fairy.
  • Remember that while it might feel like a big deal in the moment, this is a small part of your child’s childhood.

In some cultures, other mythical creatures take on the task of collecting children’s teeth, such as the Tooth Mouse in France or the Tooth Fairy’s sister in Italy.


Is Tooth Fairy real yes or no?

Many children and even some adults wonder whether the tooth fairy is real.

Belief in the tooth fairy has been around for generations, but is it fact or fiction?

There is no straightforward answer to this question since the tooth fairy is a mythological figure that varies from culture to culture.

In the western world, the tooth fairy is a beloved character who visits children at night, takes their fallen teeth, and leaves money or a small gift in exchange.

While we know she is not a flesh-and-blood person, the tooth fairy retains widespread popularity and delights children worldwide.

  • The concept of the tooth fairy has an ancient tradition that dates back to Norse Mythology.
  • In the United States, children receive an average of $3.70 for each tooth that the tooth fairy takes away.
  • In Spain and other Latin cultures, Ratoncito Pérez, a little mouse, visits children instead of the tooth fairy.
  • The tooth fairy is usually portrayed as a female character with wings, a wand, and shiny clothes, but in some countries, she may have a completely different appearance.
  • Some dentists believe that the tooth fairy can help children develop good dental hygiene habits by introducing them to the importance of taking good care of their teeth.

What questions should I ask the Tooth Fairy?

If you or your child has ever lost a tooth, it’s likely that you’ve written a letter to the Tooth Fairy.

But have you ever considered what questions you could ask her? The Tooth Fairy is a mysterious and magical character, and there are many things we don’t know about her.

Asking her questions can be a fun and imaginative way to spark creativity and wonder in children. So, what questions should you ask the Tooth Fairy? Let’s explore some ideas.

Is 11 too old to believe in Tooth Fairy?

It’s common for children to believe in the Tooth Fairy and eagerly await the exchange of their tooth for a small gift.

However, at what point do children typically stop believing in this magical creature? Is 11 too old to believe in the Tooth Fairy? The answer can vary depending on a child’s upbringing and individual beliefs.

Some children continue to believe in the Tooth Fairy into their early teens, while others may stop believing as early as age 5 or 6.

Ultimately, the decision to believe in the Tooth Fairy is a personal one, and children should be allowed to determine their own beliefs in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

Tips for Handling Belief in the Tooth Fairy at Different Ages

-Create a safe environment for children to share their beliefs and experiences

-Respect their choices and don’t pressure them to continue believing or stop believing

-Encourage critical thinking and questioning of beliefs

-Provide alternative options for the tradition, such as leaving a thank-you note instead of a tooth

-Acknowledge the sentimental value of the tradition and incorporate it into family experiences

The Tooth Fairy is a relatively modern tradition, with roots dating back to the early 1900s. The concept of a magical creature exchanging a child’s tooth for a small gift has evolved over time and is now a beloved tradition in many households.

How To Play The Magic Tooth Fairy Game (2024)


How To Play The Magic Tooth Fairy Game? ›

Take the Tooth Fairy wand and push it firmly down into the slot behind the top of the bed's headboard. Put the wand back into its slot. Now lift up the pillow and take out the glittering golden coin that has appeared under the pillow. Your turn is now over.

How to play the magic Tooth Fairy? ›

Take the Tooth Fairy wand and push it firmly down into the slot behind the top of the bed's headboard. Put the wand back into its slot. Now lift up the pillow and take out the glittering golden coin that has appeared under the pillow. Your turn is now over.

How to play the magic Tooth Fairy game in Drumond Park? ›


To play a turn, spin the spinner on the bed and move your playing piece clockwise round the board by the number indicated. Follow the instructions on the space your playing piece lands on. There are three kinds of playing space on the board: Wobbly Tooth, Go To Bed and Spin Again.

What is the Tooth Fairy game? ›

How to play the game. Collect lost teeth as you move around the board and pop them under your pillow. Through the magic of the Tooth Fairy, your tooth will be transformed into a gold coin. Be the first person to collect 4 glittering gold coins to win the game!

Are tooth fairies all girls? ›

Around 75% of people believe the tooth fairy is a female, while others believe in a male or animal form. The tooth fairy's appearance also varies from imagination to imagination, says Renfro. "Sometimes she's male and sometimes she's female," he says. "Sometimes she's an animal like a duck or a cat.

How much should the tooth fairy leave for the first tooth? ›

On average, the Tooth Fairy leaves around $5, but some kids may receive up to $20 for a single tooth or an exceptional tooth. Some families may give a larger amount for the first tooth lost, while others may opt for non-monetary gifts such as stickers or toys.

When should I tell my child the tooth fairy isn't real? ›

It can be difficult to determine an appropriate age to tell kids the truth about the tooth fairy. Children typically start to question whether the tooth fairy is real between the ages of 4 and 7. If a child is younger than 4, it might be wise to conceal the truth for a little while longer.

What should the tooth fairy leave? ›

The Tooth Fairy brings children money or a small toy before she flies off to an undisclosed location. Some children write letters to the Tooth Fairy, while other families have the Tooth Fairy leave letters encouraging better oral hygiene. It doesn't matter if you are a good kid or bad.

How does the magic game work? ›

Players start by drawing a hand of seven cards and then take turns. In a turn a player can play one mana-producing Land, play various types of spells which require varying amounts and colors of mana, and attack their opponent to try and reduce their life total from the starting 20 to zero, thus winning the game.

How do you win a game of magic? ›

Each player starts the game with 20 life. Get your opponent's 20 life points down to 0 and you win the game.

How do you play Drakon? ›

Drakon is played over a series of turns, beginning with the first player and proceeding clockwise. On his turn, the current player performs one action of his choice: either place a chamber or move. After performing his action, his turn ends. The hero chooses one chamber tile from his hand to play.

How do you play fairy season? ›

Season fairy cards must be played in order, going from Spring to Winter, and played with their numbers ascending. So if someone plays a 5 Summer Fairy card, you can play a 5 or higher Summer Fairy card or switch the season to Autumn, but can never play a lower number or skip over Autumn to play a Winter Season card.

How to trick the Tooth Fairy story? ›

Kaylee is a prankster who loves to trick her friends and even tries to trick Santa. Her biggest rival to be the princess of pranks is the tooth fairy. Kaylee tricks her too - only the tooth fairy tricks back. They get into a pranks battle that does not end well.

Does the Tooth Fairy give notes? ›

Perhaps there's a whole team of Tooth Fairies covering different routes or collecting teeth for different purposes – which helps explain why sometimes the Tooth Fairy leaves cash notes instead of coins and some always visit a day late!

What does the Tooth Fairy do with all? ›

The Tooth Fairy collects about 300,000 teeth from children all over the world every night. So, what does she do with all those teeth? It's believed that the Tooth Fairy uses these teeth to help build the fairy community where she lives. Other times she will make jewelry for herself and her friends.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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