Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (2024)

Chores are such a necessary evil, aren’t they? As adults, we know we have to do them to keep our home clean and running smoothly. As parents, we know we need to pass chores onto our kids, even if it’s a lot to keep track of. We got you — this chore chart for kids (free printable) will help.

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (1)

Kids and Chores

Before I share the link for the printable, give me a few minutes, k? You reading and scrolling is how I make money and, therefore, can afford to give away free things.

The research shows that kids benefit from having real responsibilities around the house (aka, chores). According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids who have regular chores at home have more confidence, are more responsible, and are better able to deal with frustration.

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (2)

Choosing Chores for Kids

As with anything, there are best practices parents should use when teaching and assigning chores. You can read my best tips for teaching and assigning chores here.

Select Chores for Age & Ability

Select an age appropriate chore, or even just a portion of a chore for your child.

It wouldn’t be fair to ask a three-year-old to fold a full load of laundry when first introducing a chore. You can, however, introduce many other laundry-related chores, such as making sure clothes go in the hamper, match and fold socks, fold hand towels and cloth napkins, and even put socks away in drawers.

Need some examples of age-appropriate chores? I got you:

  • Chores for 4 Year Olds
  • Chores for 8 Year Olds
  • Chores for 10 Year Olds
  • Teaching Kids Laundry By Age

Change and adapt the chores and your expectations as your children become more capable.

Demonstrate Chores for Age & Ability

After you have chosen developmentally appropriate chores, you then want to show them how to do the chore, probably more than once.

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (3)

Think about how a teacher teaches children in school.

You can’t just tell your child to clean a toilet and expect that they’ll know how to do it well. Take your child through the process of what you’d like done. Provide verbal instructions and physical demonstrations. Allow them to practice the task while you oversee it.

Depending on the complexity of the chore and the age of the child, it may take multiple tries to master the job.

Manage Your Expectations

This is important — remember that your child is a CHILD. They’re learning.

When you try something new, do you like it when someone stands over your shoulder and corrects you? Do you like it when imperfections in your work are pointed out and mocked? I’m betting someone acting like that to you would be pretty discouraging.

Do not expect perfection from your children. Effort? Yes. Perfection? No.

If the pile of towels is a little crooked, let it go.

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (4)

If the vacuum lines on the carpet aren’t quiet straight, it will be okay.

If the butter knives are all facing different directions in the silverware drawer, ignore it.

Do not go back and redo the job your child just did. It’s demeaning, discouraging, and you just told them all their effort was a waste of time.

How do you think they will respond to you the next time you ask them to that job, or any job?

Using a Chore Chart for Kids

Once you’ve established regular chores for your kids and they’re quite capable, it’s nice to say, “Please go empty the dishwasher,” and know (mostly) that it will get done, but it’s still a lot of mental load to track all chores that need to be done and which of your children needs to do it.

Using chore charts can be a handy tool for allowing your children to have more responsibility and reducing some of your mental load.

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (5)

Chore charts are helpful because:

  • They allow children to independently see what needs to be done
  • They provide kids with a visual reminder of their responsibilities
  • They help YOU track who did what and whether a reward should be given.

While chore charts come in many forms, I prefer an inexpensive, editable, printable chore chart I save on my computer and adjust as needed. As my kids grow, so do my expectations for how they will help around the house and my chore charts need to change.

I print my chore charts out weekly. Because of this, I prefer them to be black and white (to save ink) and super simple.

Paying Kids for Chores

Whether you decide to pay your children for helping around the house is up to you. Many parents have strong feelings on this topic and there’s really no right answer.

In our family, we expect our children to help in everyday ways (clearing the table, feeding the animals, etc.). We also ask them to help with “above and beyond” chores. These are “messes” our children don’t create, such as scooping poop, pulling weeds, etc.

Often, we pay our children a small amount for helping with chores we consider above and beyond.

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (6)

We expect our children to chip in with chores so they have a healthy respect for what it takes to run a household. We also pay them so they get some experience making, saving, and spending money, which is another important life skill.

Our family’s routines and beliefs may not be ideal for your family, and that’s okay. Find a plan that works for you.

Chore Chart for Kids

Enough of the chitchat, just give me the chore chart, right?? For maximum usefulness, I’ve made a few options.

Chore Chart Option 1 – Editable Google Doc

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (7)

While this template may not be the most beautiful piece of art you’ve ever seen, I promise it gets the job done. Below, you’ll find a link to a customizable, editable, FREE chore chart for kids.

Open it up and edit away. I’ve written everything I think you’ll want to change in blue. Leave it if you like or change it to black before printing.

Nothing about this template is locked, so be careful. You can totally customize it to meet your needs, but you can also move and delete columns and rows, which might change the look and style for the worse. Remember – Control Z is your friend if you make a mistake.

To make this doc multiple pages, simply select everything and copy and paste it onto another page.

Option 2 – Editable in Canva

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (8)

This chore chart for kids option is definitely the most aesthetically pleasing.

Canva is a free graphic design tool. You can sign up for an account and edit many aspects of this chore chart (children’s names, chores, special directions, etc.) while maintaining the template I’ve created.

This template is 5 pages long. I’ve added three identical copies of the pages so you can customize and print them for each child (and you can duplicate more if you’ve got over 3 kids). It will save time and energy, which every parent needs. You can download and print this chore chart.

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (9)

Don’t want to sign up for Canva? I got you. Keep scrolling.

Chore Chart Option 3 – Print & Write

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (10)

This chore chart for kids option is less aesthetically pleasing than the options above, but it’s still cute.

Click the link below to open the Google Doc. Print as many copies as you need and write your own details in such as your child’s name, their chores, and special directions. It doesn’t get any easier.

This type of chore chart is also easy for you to create on your own with pen and paper, however keeping a file saved will save you some time.

Chore Chart for Kids

If chores are a struggle in your home, this chore chart may be the simple tool you need to keep everyone on track.

Chore charts help lessen a parents’ mental load and transfer independence to children. They also make it easier to provide incentives for jobs well done.

Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (11)
Simple Chore Chart for Kids (Free Printable) (2024)


How many chores should a 7 year old have? ›

There is no hard-and-fast rule about how many chores are appropriate for your child. Kids in elementary school should be expected to do 10 to 20 minutes of helping around the house each day. You can expect a little more on the weekends and in the summer.

How much should a 12 year old get paid for chores? ›

If you're using the $1 to $2 per-year-of-age rule, a 12-year-old should get a weekly allowance of $12 to $24. This range is consistent with the average weekly allowance that parents pay, which is $19.39.

What age should you start a chore chart? ›

Chores are routine but necessary tasks, such as washing the dishes or folding laundry. Research suggests there are benefits to including chores in a child's routine as early as age 3.

How do you make a homemade chore chart? ›

Create a calendar with eight columns.

The first column will be where you write down chore names, so you'll need it to be wider than the rest. The seven columns to the right will be where the chore-doer marks whether the chore has been finished or not. These seven columns can be much smaller than your first.

Is there an app for kids to do chores? ›

TaskieHusky is a gamified To-do & Productivity App for parents that helps motivate their kids to do daily chores, acquire positive habits, get self-organization skills, do their homework, and take responsibility. Give your child tasks and choose rewards.

What is a good punishment for not doing chores? ›

You should choose consequences directly related to the unacceptable behavior. For example, if your child skips a chore have her do an extra chore; don't take away TV. If she leaves a mess, have her clean two rooms; don't ground her for a week.

Should an 8 year old have a chore chart? ›

Once your child is older and has become independent, it's easier to delegate whole tasks. You may consider including some of these tasks on their chore charts: Make the bed every day without supervision. Take care of the pets by feeding them, walking them, brushing them, or cleaning their cages if needed.

What should a 7 year old be able to do independently? ›

By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Having independence from family becomes more important now. Events such as starting school bring children this age into regular contact with the larger world. Friendships become more and more important.

How much pocket money should an 11 year old get? ›

Weekly average pocket money by age in the UK
AgePocket money weekly average (2022)Pocket money weekly average (2021)
9 year old£4.12£4.50
10 year old£4.90£5.27
11 year old£6.21£6.56
12 year old£8.14£8.34
9 more rows
Nov 12, 2023

Should parents pay their child for doing chores? ›

– The reward should be proportionate to the chore and age-appropriate. Paying children lots of money for daily tasks is unreasonable, and for most families financially not possible. If you choose to pay children for chores, it should be reasonable for your families finances and the difficulty of the chore.

How much money to give a 10 year old for a birthday? ›

While most etiquette experts agree that $20-$30 is perfectly reasonable for a child's birthday gift, you can spend up to $100 on the child of a close friend or relative, says Helen Holden, founder of Counting Candles, a website that helps parents plan birthday parties.

What age can kids do laundry? ›

“If they have so many clothes that you are not able to put them away in the wardrobe, get rid of them. You need a place for everything and everything in its place.” By age 7 or 8, children should be able to handle their laundry by putting dirty clothes in a hamper and then into the washer and dryer, Davies says.

At what age should a child clean up after themselves? ›

Remember, younger children between the ages of 2-3 will need your help cleaning up but gradually you will not need to help anymore. This goes for your warnings as well. As your child gets older, the fewer warnings you will need to give them to let them know it's clean up time.

How to assign chores by age? ›

Chores By Age

Assign chores based on their skills and abilities, as well as your comfort.” Ages 2 and 3: Put toys away, put their clothes in a hamper, help an older child or adult feed a family pet. Ages 4 and 5: Help set and clear the table before and after meals, make the bed, dust.

How do I make a daily chore list? ›

Your daily chore list might include:
  1. Washing dishes.
  2. Loading/unloading the dishwasher.
  3. Cooking or preparing meals.
  4. Setting thes table.
  5. Packing lunches.
  6. Sweeping or vacuuming the kitchen and eating area.
  7. Feeding pets and getting them fresh water.
  8. Walking the dog.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.