Hospital Bag Checklist: What to Pack for Delivery | Pampers (2024)

Are you all set for the big day? If you’re still preparing, you might like the help of a hospital bag checklist to take the guesswork out of what you’ll actually need to pack. Read on to get four hospital bag checklists with everything you, your partner, and your newborn will need when the big day comes, and a few items that you probably don’t need to bring with you.

When to Pack Your Hospital Bag

Your baby might arrive earlier than expected, so it’s worth having your hospital bag (or bags, if you’d like one for labor and delivery and one for after delivery) and your baby’s hospital bag organized and packed during month eight of your pregnancy—just in case.

Pack the bags with your partner or whoever might accompany you to the hospital, so you can double-check the checklist and make sure you’ll have everything you might need. Once they’re packed, keep them handy either in your car or near the door, so you'll be ready to go at a moment's notice.

Keep reading for a full list of what to pack in your bag for the hospital and download your hospital bag checklist below!

What to Pack in the Hospital Bag for Mom (Labor and Delivery)

Being ready for your labor and delivery includes having a few administrative items handy in your hospital bag, as well as being prepared to pass the time as you wait for your baby to be born:

Hospital paperwork, ID, and insurance card. Have copies of your medical records handy, so that your medical team can easily review your medical history. Hospitals require your ID, any medical cards, and insurance documents up front, so make sure you have a copy of these readily available.

Birth plan (if you have one). You might have discussed your birth plan with your medical team, but having a few copies printed and available for doctors and nurses means that everyone can refer to it in case last-minute questions arise.

Bathrobe. A soft bathrobe is useful for pacing around during labor, or afterward, if you spend some time in the hospital.

Socks. Your feet may get cold during labor.

Slippers and flip-flops. You’ll want slippers that are comfortable and easy to slip in and out of to wear as you walk around the hospital ward. Pack some flip-flops for using in the shower.

Lip balm. Your lips can get chapped during labor. Having some lip balm on hand will help keep your lips hydrated and comfortable.

Body lotion or massage oil. Some find a little massage during labor relaxing. If this could be you, pop some lotion or oil in your hospital bag.

Water spray and sponge. During labor, if you start to feel hot, it can help to spray some water on your face and neck, or to sponge some cool water on your forehead.

Comfortable pillow(s). Your hospital will provide you with pillows, but they might not be the right kind for you. If you have a favorite pillow at home, then you may want to bring it along as well.

Relaxing entertainment. Pack some things to help you pass the time like a book, magazines, a tablet with movies or a series downloaded on it, or a music player.

Eye mask and earplugs. To help you get rest in a busy and bright maternity ward, an eye mask and earplugs could be just what you need during the downtimes of labor, or for your well-deserved shuteye after the delivery.

Being comfortable during labor and delivery is key, and many of the above items for your hospital bag may help you relax a bit. But, let’s be honest, fuzzy socks and soothing music might not cut it! Take the quiz below to discover your personalized plan for pain management during labor.

What to Pack in the Hospital Bag for Mom (After Delivery)

You’ll want to make yourself feel at home as much as possible despite being in the hospital, so here are some must-haves to pack in your hospital bag for after delivery:

Nightgowns. You’ll need something comfortable to sleep in during your hospital stay, and a soft, loose nightgown is a good option. Choose a front-opening style if you plan to breastfeed.

Heavy-duty maternity pads. The hospital will provide some of these, but you may want to pack a few heavy-duty maternity pads, just in case. It’s normal to bleed a lot after the birth, and maternity pads are softer and more absorbent than standard pads. Initially you may need to change pads every one to two hours, but within a few days, the flow will start to decrease.

Underwear. Hospitals often provide stretchy underwear, but you may want to pack several pairs that are large enough to wear over heavy-duty maternity pads.

Bras. Be prepared with a few nursing bras or other comfortable, well-fitting bras.

Toiletries. Don’t forget tissues, a hairbrush, a comb, deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, a hairdryer, hair clips, and hair ties. Pack a plastic bag to pop dirty clothes in.

Cosmetics and skin care products. If makeup is part of your usual routine, then don’t forget your cosmetics. Plus, make sure you pack some moisturizer, as your skin may feel drier than usual.

Glasses and contact lenses (if you need them). It may seem obvious, but sometimes it’s these little things that can escape your mind when packing your hospital bag. Don’t forget contact lens solution and a lens case if you use contact lenses.

Phone and charger. Unless you opt for a little digital detox during this special time, don’t forget your phone and charger. You can stay in touch with loved ones, use it to take those first few pictures, and post your special news on social media.

Clothes. Aside from your nightgown, you might choose to take some comfortable clothes to wear during your hospital stay. Pack an extra outfit to wear home. Choose something loose-fitting with a drawstring or elastic waist.

Handouts and reference books. You might have received some handy notes from your prenatal classes or have some reference books about newborns. The doctors and nurses will be able to give you lots of personalized guidance, but you might find these resources more useful once you actually have your newborn in your arms.

Snacks and drinks. Labor can sometimes be very long, so you could consider packing some snacks and drinks. However, speak to your medical team about whether or not you’ll be allowed to eat or drink anything during labor. Also, consider packing some of your favorite snacks for after labor as you may feel like some comfort food during your hospital stay.

What to Pack in the Hospital Bag for Your Birth Partner

As a birth partner, whether you’re the dad, friend, partner, or family member, you might also want to pack a hospital bag with some things you'll find useful for your time supporting your loved one in the hospital:

Snacks and water. Labor can be thirsty work even for supportive partners. Consider packing some snacks and water, as well as change for the hospital vending machines.

Phone, camera and/or video camera, plus chargers and batteries. Don’t forget to pack a phone to stay in contact with loved ones, and for some entertainment during downtimes. The camera will come in handy to take some happy snaps. (Make sure the camera’s memory card has plenty of free space on it.)

Clothes. Labor is an unpredictable process, so a change of clothes is always a good idea, as you never know how long the stay will be.

Toiletries. After a long labor, you might need to freshen up in the shower. Most hospitals are fine with this, but you can confirm this beforehand.

Spare glasses or spare contact lenses. It might be a long day, so having spares of these essentials could come in handy.

Small pillow. You might appreciate getting a bit of rest during downtimes, as well.

Entertainment. Something to do: Books, a tablet, and a personal music player are all good options.

What to Pack in the Hospital Bag for Your Baby

This list of basic baby gear will come in handy once your newborn arrives:

Bodysuits. Hospital policies can vary on what newborns can be dressed in so find out ahead of time what to pack in your hospital bag. You may need to add to what the hospital provides in terms of accessories and layers. Remember, with bodysuits, it’s a good idea to choose those that fasten up at the front.

Socks and booties. Newborns can get cold easily so take some socks and booties just in case. Even during skin-to-skin contact, your newborn can wear a hat and socks.

Receiving blanket. The hospital will likely provide blankets, but a blanket of your own is always good to have on hand to use during skin-to-skin contact. It can also be used to keep your baby warm on the way home.

Going-home outfit. Consider the weather conditions: A bodysuit, booties, and hat could be fine during the warmer months, but in winter, pack mittens and a jacket or snowsuit, as well.

Car seat. This obviously isn’t for the hospital bag, but the right car seat should be installed in your car around the same time you pack your baby bag so it’s ready for the hospital.

Get even more advice about what to pack in your hospital bag for your baby in the video below!

Printable Hospital Bag Checklist

Hospital Bag Checklist: What to Pack for Delivery | Pampers (1)

Download Hospital Bag Checklist

What Not to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

Although it’s a great idea to be prepared, you don’t need to overpack your hospital bag. And there are some things that many hospitals don’t allow, so it’s a good idea to double check beforehand.

Here are a few things you probably won’t need to pack in your hospital bag:

  • Too many clothes. You'll likely be in your nightgown for most of your stay, so you won’t need a lot of clothes. Pack a going-home outfit that is comfortable and easy to put on, like leggings and a loose shirt.

  • Valuables. Leave valuables, such as jewelry, at home where it will be safe. The last thing you want to worry about is losing something important while you're focused on giving birth and taking care of your new baby.

  • Electronic devices. Your phone and camera might come in handy, but you won't need larger devices such as portable TVs or music players. If you want to watch or listen to something, remember to have headphones handy so you don’t disturb other guests.

  • Too much food. A few of your favorite snacks and some water is good to have on hand, but don’t bring too much food with you. You might not get a chance to eat it, and if your stay is longer than expected, the hospital will likely provide you with food, or your partner can bring some extra snacks if needed.

  • Diapers and wipes. Most hospitals provide baby diapers and wipes during your stay, so it’s a good idea to double-check with your hospital before packing your bag.

The Bottom Line

With this hospital bag checklist, mom, dad, and baby can be well prepared for time in the hospital. Read up on the signs of labor, which includes things like your water breaking or seeing the mucus plug discharge.

If you're getting close to your due date, it's helpful to know how to time your contractions as well as how to spot other signs of labor. Contact your healthcare provider if you think you're going into labor—they'll be able to let you know when it's time to grab your hospital bag and be on your way. Good luck!

While you’re here and in the mood for preparing for the birth of your baby, download the Pampers Club app. You can use the app to earn rewards for all the diapers and wipes you’ll be buying once your little one’s here.

Are you waiting until you see your little one’s face to decide on a name? In the meantime, get some inspiration with our Baby Name Generator, where you can filter through thousands of titles to find your baby’s perfect name!


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Hospital Bag Checklist: What to Pack for Delivery | Pampers (2024)


What should you not pack in your hospital bag for labor? ›

Here's what not to bring to the hospital when you're ready to deliver: Too much clothing for you or the baby. Choose one outfit each and leave the rest at home. Valuables.

When should I start packing my hospital bag for labor? ›

At around 36 weeks, pack your bag so you're ready to go at a moment's notice. Even if you are planning a home birth, it's a good idea to have a bag packed in case you need to go to hospital for a premature birth, or if you have pregnancy or birth complications.

What should a woman pack in her hospital bag? ›

2 packets of super-absorbent sanitary or maternity pads. your wash bag – with toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, flannel, soap, lip balm, deodorant, hair bands, hand sanitiser, body lotion and anything else you need. an eye mask may help you sleep on the brightly lit ward. towels.

Do you wear a bra during labor? ›

Some women get so hot they go it in the nude! But, if you'd like to cover up a little bit and keep your larger breasts supported, wearing a nursing sports bra is a smart choice during the hours (or sometimes minutes!) of labor.

What do babies wear right after birth? ›

Most hospitals prefer to dress babies simply, either in just a diaper and swaddled in a flannel blanket, or in a side-snap bodysuit or basic gown (all of these items will be provided for you).

How many outfits does a newborn need at the hospital? ›

Aim for one outfit in newborn size and one 0-3 months. Don't forget hats and/or socks, if weather-appropriate, to keep baby warm.

Should I bring my boppy to the hospital? ›

A Breastfeeding Pillow

For those that do, packing a boppy or pillow you plan on using for breastfeeding allows you to get hands-on guidance and practice with the lactation consultants while at the hospital.

Do I need to bring a pacifier to the hospital? ›

And, bonus: You won't have to remember when to take your medications because they'll be brought to you! Diapers, diaper wipes, bottles, nipples and (if you decide to use them) pacifiers. Everything your baby will need during their hospital stay is provided.

How many weeks should I be when I pack my hospital bag? ›

When Should You Pack Your Hospital Bag? You should have your hospital bag ready to go between weeks 32 and 35 of your pregnancy, in case your baby comes a bit earlier than expected. A good time to start the packing process is around the 28 week mark, or at the start of your 3rd trimester.

How many bags to take to the hospital for birth? ›

Most people need two hospital bags — one for mum and another for the baby. However, you should keep in mind that hospital rooms are often quite small. If you would like an extra bag with postpartum essentials and clothes, you can potentially leave that one in the car and have someone bring it to you later.

How should I prepare my hospital bag for delivery? ›

Hospital bag checklist for moms
  1. A picture ID (driver's license or other ID) and your insurance card. Check with the hospital or birth center ahead of time regarding any paperwork you should bring. ...
  2. Your birth plan, if you have one.
  3. Cell phone and charger. ...
  4. A cord blood kit.
Jun 7, 2023

What to wear home from the hospital after a baby? ›

Maternity to Postpartum Body Changes

For the first days, it's a good idea to choose loose, comfortable clothing that won't constrict your abdomen, especially if you've had a C-section. You won't want any waistband rubbing against your incision.

How many outfits to bring to the hospital for a baby? ›

You'll have to add some items at the last minute (like your brush, phone, and insurance card), but you can pack most of the essentials in advance. Usually, you'll only need to bring one outfit for your baby – a coming-home outfit to wear for the trip home.

Should you bring pacifiers to the hospital? ›

Pacifiers. Some hospitals may supply these, but you can bring your own—or some cute pacifier holders so they don't get lost!

Do you take bottles to the hospital? ›

If you choose to bottle feed – you will need to bring enough pre-packed bottles of a readymade newborn formula into hospital with you to last for your stay. We recommend that you purchase at least one 'starter pack' of first infant milk containing 6 bottles and 6 teats.

What is a good gift to bring to the hospital for a new baby? ›

In conclusion, a new mom in the hospital will appreciate any gift that can make her stay more comfortable and relaxed. Gifts like a cozy robe, slippers, nursing pillow, blanket, and compression socks can help her feel more at home.

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.