Fun Ideas for Your Next Scavenger Hunt (2024)

Scavenger hunts can be more than just a great way to keep kids busy. They also build critical thinking skills, help kids and families build special memories, and they're just plain fun. Depending on the type, scavenger hunts can also become an entertaining form of exercise, as well.

Scavenger hunts are adaptable—they can be done in the house, at campgrounds, around the neighborhood, or just about anywhere else. Plus. they are an easy, creative, affordable, and adaptable activity that both kids and adults enjoy.Read on to discover 35 of the best scavenger hunt for your family to try indoors and out.

How to Strengthen Family Bonds

What Is a Scavenger Hunt?

A scavenger hunt starts with a place or series of locations in which players search for hidden objects. When planning a scavenger hunt, the idea is to create a list of things that participants need to find, ask for, or photograph.

Sometimes, the requests are simple and straightforward, as in to find a shoe, rock, or book. Other times, to increase the challenge for older scavengers, the instructions for items to locate come as clues for participants to decode. For example, a group may be prompted to find "something that changes color," which is code for a fall leaf.

Follow these basic steps for a successful scavenger hunt:

  1. Hide objects (optional). You can also direct participants to find items that are already in place, which means no prior setup is needed.
  2. Make and distribute a list of items for participants to find; determine whether they need to bring the items back or just photograph them or check them off of their list.
  3. Define the search perimeter.
  4. Tell the players how much time they have to find the objects.
  5. Whoever finds the most items (or the team to find them all first) wins.

Scavenger hunts can be played both with individuals and with teams. The game is adaptable and a great activity for smaller and larger groups alike. Additionally, instead of giving the full list of items to find at the start of the game, a scavenger hunt can also be set up in a particular order in which the clue to the next thing to find is located at each sequential item. This type of play offers a bit more intrigue and difficulty.

Nature Scavenger Hunts

A nature scavenger hunt takes place in your backyard, a park, or a nature preserve. This activity involves searching for items or following clues to find hidden items outdoors. Nature hunts are great for every age group, including very young kids. You can structure your nature scavenger hunt however you like, asking searchers to:

  • Collect sticks, pinecones, and leaves to use in a nature craft
  • Hunt for forest or outdoor critters or neighborhood pets like squirrels, deer, mice, beavers, raccoons, cats, dogs, or moles.
  • Identify and photograph a variety of bugs, leaves, plants, mushrooms, or flowers
  • Look for different types of cars, either parked or driving by
  • Search for different types of birds and/or their nests
  • Spot and photograph nature items from a list

An outdoor scavenger hunt is a great way to engage the senses. Consider a search that asks players to identify things they can watch, smell, and hear.

A nature hunt can also be a fun way to teach kids about environmental stewardship. Help beautify a trail by picking up trash you find on your walk. Collecting trash can feel like a menial task, but when it’s disguised as a game, it can be fun.

Pass out gloves and plastic bags. Offer prizes for whoever collects the most trash and whoever finds the strangest object. Make sure that each group of kids has adult supervision for safety if they are collecting trash. And bring hand sanitizer to wash hands afterward if bathroom facilities aren't available.

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunts

A neighborhood scavenger hunt can be an excellent way to get to know some neighbors. There are a couple of variations of the neighborhood hunt. However, it's important to consider safety. It's ideal to have already met the neighbors who are participating in the game, prior to playing. Be sure to have sufficient adult supervision and give neighbors a heads up about your plan—and invite them to opt in or out.

Go door-to-door: One variation is to have teams go door-to-door. Players tell the neighbor who answers the door that they are on a scavenger hunt. They then ask them to borrow (or photograph) an item on their list. List items should be common, simple objects such as a rubber band, a pencil, a toothpick, a canceled stamp, a drinking straw, or a paper cup.

Another variation is simply holding an outdoor scavenger hunt in the neighborhood—the same way you would have a nature hunt. This kind of hunt can be a fun ice-breaker activity for meeting neighbors. It’s also a great way to keep kids occupied during a neighborhood block party.

Other neighborhood scavenger hunt ideas:

  • Find hidden items in the neighborhood
  • Find specific landmarks or locations
  • Follow hidden clues to find a prize
  • Go door-to-door to request items from a list
  • Signatures or handwritten notes from neighbors

Use discretion with the door-to-door variation of this game. Knocking on someone's door more than once could quickly become irritating for your neighbors.

If you have two teams, each team might only go to odd-numbered or even-numbered houses, or each team could take one side of the street. Again, it's a good idea to clear participation with your neighbors ahead of time, as a courtesy.

Photo Scavenger Hunts

A photo scavenger hunt requires individuals or teams to have a camera or a smartphone to participate. You might pass out inexpensive, disposable cameras to participants. Instead of collecting objects, players take pictures of the things they find.

At the end of the game, instead of looking through the things people found, you look through the photos that were taken. If you use smartphones, you can look through the objects on players’ screens.

If you are using disposable cameras, you’ll need to reconvene after the photos are developed to look through the results. You can also use polaroid cameras. Print photos can be novel for kids who have grown up with digital cameras and smartphones. It’s an excellent option for groups that meet regularly.

Photo scavenger hunt ideas:

  • Items that are a particular color or shape
  • Local landmarks
  • Players doing certain activities (jumping on a trampoline, standing in front of a sign, making a silly face)
  • Things that start with a specific letter
  • Objects that start with certain letters that when collected together spell a word, such as your last name or the name of your club or group
  • People doing various things, such as walking a dog, playing a sport, checking their mail, and taking out the garbage. (Be sure to ask people before taking their photos or simply check off on your list that you saw someone doing the activity)

Field Trip Scavenger Hunts

Field trip scavenger hunts can be a great way to keep kids engaged while at a museum, zoo, beach, or amusem*nt park. Scavenger hunts in public spaces involve giving players a list of items to hunt for while they are at an event or on a trip.

These activities may require a little bit of detective work ahead of time for the organizer, as you will need to be familiar with the items in the space to create the list.

Field trip scavenger hunt ideas include:

  • Certain colors or shapes
  • Items in an exhibit at the museum
  • Items with a logo on them
  • Specific rides at a carnival or amusem*nt park
  • Types of animals at the zoo
  • Vendors that sell specific food items (cotton candy, popcorn)
  • Words or letters from signs

When having a scavenger hunt in public spaces, talk to kids about proper etiquette and safety. If your hunt is in a museum, for instance, be sure kids understand that they should talk quietly and walk to avoid disturbing other guests.

If it’s at a noisy, outdoor venue, be sure kids know to stay in designated groups and not wander off on their own. For safety, have an adult or teenager stay with each group if younger children are participating, and make a plan for what you will do if anyone gets lost.

Stay-at-Home Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts can be great at-home activities, too. They are a fun way to break up a boring weekend. Sleepovers and birthday parties are also good opportunities for this inexpensive but creative form of entertainment.

Stay-at-home scavenger hunt ideas:

  • Favorite things (favorite foods, favorite colors, favorite toy)
  • Household items
  • Something that starts with A, B, C, etc.
  • Use clues that require some investigating or interviewing of the other participants. For example, find an object in Suzy's favorite color.


What are some good scavenger hunt ideas for older adults?

Scavenger hunts are a great intergenerational activity for kids of all ages and adults of all ages, including seniors. Remember any limitations grandparents or other older adults in your life may have, and build your scavenger hunt accordingly.

  • Customize a hunt based on a grandparent’s interests (car theme, gardening theme)
  • Create a scavenger hunt of riddles (no physical hunting, just solve all of the puzzles to win)
  • Create a hunt based on things they might find in their home (a refrigerator magnet, tweezers, teaspoon)
  • Look for items they can find on their phones (selfie, photo of a pet, social media app, game app, etc.)

How can I do an online scavenger hunt?

A virtual scavenger hunt is a great way to connect with friends and family who live far away. Virtual scavenger hunts are played in the same way as an in-person scavenger hunt, except that you will connect with fellow players over video conferencing.

The hunt will occur in participants’ various locations, but the items you all search for will be the same. Whoever finds all of the items first is the winner!

How can I plan a scavenger hunt?

Planning a scavenger hunt is simple and fun with the following steps.

  1. Decide on a location, day, and time, and invite your guests.
  2. Identify the objects you want participants to look for.
  3. Decide whether you will hide them and/or use clues that need to be deciphered or if they are objects that can easily be found.
  4. Type and print your list for as many players or teams as you will have.

You can have simple prizes on hand for the winners if you like, or guests can take home the treasures they found.

A Word From Verywell

One of the best things about scavenger hunts is that they don’t require special skills, materials, or investment. They are an inexpensive and accessible game for people of all ages.

If you are thinking about doing a scavenger hunt, you can make it as simple or elaborate as you want. Think of things you can find around the house or your yard and make a checklist of items to find. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, look online for free printable lists.

Fun Family Activities

Fun Ideas for Your Next Scavenger Hunt (2024)


How can I make my scavenger hunt more interesting? ›

Write your riddles/clues

Any scavenger hunt needs the aid of some riddles and/or clues to help your players along their journey. In order to find the hidden items, you need to write some captivating and brain-teasing riddles or clues and each riddle or clue can bring your players one step closer to the final result.

What are some good clues for a scavenger hunt? ›

FAQ: Scavenger hunt clues
  • If you want to eat, then take a seat! (Dining room chair)
  • One of me per day keeps the doctor away. (Apple)
  • I can't mix batter, but I can bake a cake. (Oven)
  • I come in pairs, I'm easy to lose, I go between your feet and your shoes. (Socks)
Nov 30, 2022

How do you make an interactive scavenger hunt? ›

Creating a Scavenger Hunt with Google Forms and QR Codes
  1. Step 1: Define Your Objectives. ...
  2. Step 2: Select Your Clue Locations. ...
  3. Step 3: Create Your Google Form.
  4. Step 4: Create QR Codes for Each Location.
  5. Step 5: Organize Your Scavenger Hunt.
  6. Step 6: Run the Scavenger Hunt.
  7. Step 7: Assess Learning.
Nov 1, 2023

How do you make clever clues for a scavenger hunt? ›

40 best clues for your ultimate scavenger hunt
  1. You cut me on a table, but I'm never eaten. ...
  2. A band that doesn't play instruments but has plenty of styles. ( ...
  3. Everything ends with me. ...
  4. How many glasses of water can one drink on an empty stomach? ( ...
  5. I am not a lamp, but I can light up. ...
  6. I am not an organ, but I have 13 hearts.
Oct 12, 2022

How do you make an interesting treasure hunt? ›

How to have a treasure hunt
  1. Plan the hunt first. ...
  2. Draw pictures for each of the clues. ...
  3. Hide the treasure and the clues while your child is supervised somewhere else.
  4. When you're ready, tell your child it's time for the treasure hunt. ...
  5. Talk with your child about the treasure hunt.
May 9, 2023

What is a scavenger hunt for adults? ›

Traditionally, a scavenger hunt is a game where players compete to see who can gather the most items from a specific list, usually within a certain time limit. It's either played individually or as part of a team, with the scale of the whole operation typically down to the organiser.

How many items should be on a scavenger hunt? ›

Pick 5-15 or so objects you want the players to find throughout the scavenger hunt—ideally things matched to your theme. These can be any household items, like a spoon, action figure, or markers, for example. Or, they can be items already in the area, like a yellow leaf, bronze statue, or black park bench.

What is a good prize for a scavenger hunt? ›

Affordable Prize Ideas for Work Scavenger Hunt
  • Winning sweets. Everyone, no matter their age, loves a sweet treat. ...
  • A thoughtful gift voucher. ...
  • A winning team trophy. ...
  • Plant a tree in the name of the winning team. ...
  • Charitable donation. ...
  • Company merchandise. ...
  • House or desk plants. ...
  • Lunchtime delivery.
Oct 6, 2022

What are some good outdoor scavenger hunt clues? ›

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Clues for Adults
  • I have four legs and no feet. ...
  • Stretch me far and fill up a trough, I can also be used to cool you off. ...
  • In a place like this, a dog can sleep. ...
  • With two wheels I can roll and I can take you where you want to go. ...
  • I can swing open and I can lock up tight.
Feb 1, 2024

How to crack treasure hunt clues? ›

Read and Rhyme for Pleasure When you Play
  1. Build in rhymes to your clues at the end of the line.
  2. Highlight the rhyming words with a highlighter or write the last word in a different color.
  3. If your child is making their own clues, or you are helping them make a treasure hunt, encourage rhyming couplets.

How can I make my scavenger hunt more fun? ›

Come up with scavenger hunt clues to help your participants find the items on their list. Feel free to get creative and write riddles, poems, and puzzles that will reveal the locations of the items. Tip: Tools like Treasure Run help you automatically generate scavenger hunt clues and puzzles to be solved.

What is the scavenger hunt activity? ›

How to play:
  • Create a list of things to find, hear or do. ...
  • Create a time limit (optional).
  • Give children the list and let them scavenge around and find, smell or do all of the things on their list.
  • The player or team who ticks everything off on their list first, or ticks off the most items before the time is up, wins.

How do you make a scavenger hunt lesson? ›

Post “cards” around the room (or into the halls) with specific learning tasks on them. Prepare an answer page that each student will carry around. Students are told a starting point in the scavenger hunt. After working through the first card (their starting point), students walk around to find the answer.

How do you make a romantic scavenger hunt? ›

Some creative ways to make sure the scavenger hunt is super personalized include: displaying pictures of the two of you throughout the hunt, incorporating inside jokes, nicknames, and shared memories in the clues, sending them to meaningful locations for clues (like where you had your first date), or having a pet help ...

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.