Disturbing Deep Web Horror Story Zambian Meats – Creepypasta and Scary Stories Podcast (2024)

I’m just a little shocked. Honestly, I’m a little bit freaked out and shocked! As I was watching this show on Netflix I realized there are some really sick people out there in the world. I mean really, really sick. Since I enjoy watching cop shows and weird stories about the internet I figured I would start watching the episode about Zambian Meats. I don’t know why I wanted to watch the show, I guess I’m fascinated by true crime and all of the weirdness on the internet. I didn’t expect to find this, however.

The show was about a guy named James Brunton who claimed to have killed and consumed a man after meeting him on a website called Zambian Meats. Brunton went by the name of Chefmate50, which is a disturbing name all together when you think about it. After more investigation, they found out this website was supposedly a fantasy website where people talked about cannibalism and meeting up. This included the conservation found between Brunson and a minor where the minor pretended to be a servant of “Master Chefmate50” and the minor even received a contract from Brunson stating that the minor would serve his master and then be cooked and consumed by him.

While they investigated James Brunton, they realized that it was all just a fantasy for him and never found any evidence that he killed anyone let alone them. That didn’t stop them from arresting him for the other illegal and very disturbing crime of recording boys in the locker room.

I’m personally not interested in acting out such a gross fantasy, but I wanted to see if the website was still up and running. Too chicken to actually enter the domain name, I entered “Zambian Meats” into google. Instead of the website coming up, there were links to the show on Netflix, a few articles written by people about the websites and the incident, and then another shocker. A German police officer was arrested for allegedly killing and eating a man in Dresden, Germany after using the Zambian Meats website. After investigations and a confession from the unnamed police officer, it was found that he only killed and dismembered the victim but did not eat him.

I snooped a little bit deeper and realized the website had disappeared from existence. The domain seems to be parked at a hosting company probably because of its legal ramifications. That didn’t stop me from searching though. The topic not only fascinated and disgusted me, but it scared the hell out of me. I wanted to know if this was real and if any of us were in real danger so I dug a little deeper. Almost every link was related to the original website I was looking for or the crimes centered around its existence. But then I noticed a popup window on my machine that came out of nowhere.

I’m not sure where the window came from. I visited many sites that looked like they might have information on the crimes since searching. The dating website window didn’t even look related or real. It simply was a link in the middle of a blank 400×400 pixel window that read “Find Like Minded People” with a generic link to a domain I can’t even remember. It was just a bunch of numbers and letters dot xyz or some other random domain suffix. Very faintly in the background of the window was a picture of the words “LONG PIG” and a torso of what could either be a human or an animal hanging on a hook. I didn’t know. I didn’t know what the hell a long pig was.

I clicked on it and quickly found out. What loaded shocked me. I stared in awkward shock at the screen. Before me was a picture of a couple sitting at a dining table, her hand in his and looking lovingly into his eyes. On their plates were pictures of what I can only describe as roasted human body parts. Her plate looked like a roasted hand and his a severed head with no eyes and cooked to almost burnt with what might have been a reddish BBQ sauce covering where the hair should be.

I closed my eyes and gagged a little until I convinced myself that it couldn’t possibly be real. It has to be a fake like the other site. A website for online fake cannibalistic daters to meet and greet and then talk about their fantasies. These were just actors with props, right? How could something like this be real and so easily available?

After convincing myself that it really was a fantasy picture created by some horror fanatic, I took a second glance. It sure did look real, but didn’t everything these days?

There were two links available: Enter and Get Lost. Under the word “enter” in very small print, it added that by entering the website you do so at your own risk and the owners of the website will not be held responsible for whatever happens to you or what you do once you get there. I clicked on enter as I laughed to myself. How could anything even be serious in here? If it really did happen all that much then it would be in the news a lot more often, right? This has to be a joke.

When I opened the website it just looked like a regular phpBB forum. That’s typically the format you get when you enter a forum. It didn’t have any special graphics or anything weird. There were a few general topics about everyday stuff like work and family then I scrolled down to a group that said “Are you sure you want this? 18+ only.”

Of course, I clicked on it and was surprised to find that anyone could have accessed the forum. Anyone. There were no barriers of any kind. And what I saw at that point really creeped me out. Immediately the look of the forum changed. It went from the standard blue and white generic forum page to a black background with red print. The topics were Meetups, Dating, Recipes, Beginner Chefs, D/s, and hunting. There were pictures of what looked like steaks and bodies hung upside down in the corners. It truly looked like butcher shop but there were no cows or chickens.

I reluctantly clicked on recipes.

I was immediately brought to a susceptible selection of choices such as full recipes, preparation, holiday meals, family meals, storage, and sides. Before each topic was a bloody meat cleaver.

I clicked on recipes. Most links and pictures looked pretty normal. There were recipes for stews, roasts, broiled steaks, salads, and drinks. As I scrolled I noticed the more unusual recipes topics included sweatbreads, brains, liver, kidneys, and heart. Next to each topic was a picture of the human body with a diagram to where all of these body organs existed. I closed my eyes and held my hand over to mouth as to not lose the bottle of soda I had downed before all over the keyboard.

When I regained my composure, I clicked out of that section and went to dating. I just had to see what kind of people were into this crazy messed up fantasy world. I was shocked to find over 250,000 messages in the dating section alone. When I entered the area it looked like a bunch of hungry singles and whatever else might be looking for a date. Lines of phrases like “44, SWM, looking for dating the right woman”, “GBM looking for GWM who can cook,” “DM is hungry,” “SWF, first time,” and the one that caught my attention: “Young SWF ready to submit.”

I clicked on the link of the last listing and my hand began shaking when reading. This couldn’t possibly be real. It had to be some kind of roleplay. I’m reading this from memory, but it went something like this:

“SWF, just turned 18, looking for DWM. I am ready to commit. Take me, I’m yours. I want you to eat me.”

I don’t know why I started the conversation. I really just want to see what was going on so I clicked on reply. When it opened the message form I wrote, “Hi, I’m Stan. 19, SWM. Never been divorced. Do you only date divorced men?”

She immediately responded, “What? D doesn’t mean divorced. I don’t care if you are married, single, or own a harem. I just want you to use my body for yours.”

Confused, I responded back, “What does D mean then?”

“Oh, a newbie. *giggle* It means Dom, Daddy, whatever you want to call an older guy who likes to take control. If you’re only 19 then that probably isn’t you. I’m looking for someone in his 50s who has the experience, you know?”

“Experience in what?” I responded.

“In cooking, of course. What did you think?”

“I really don’t know. Can you tell me?”

I waited for a few seconds longer than I probably should have and then she responded in a live chat window. “I want an older man to take my body in any way he needs and then eat me.”

I smiled, thinking she meant the obvious. “Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?” I found my face burning and turning red out of embarrassem*nt. For some reason, this conversation was going in a different direction than I had planned.

“LOL What? No, silly. I want him to do it with me and then kill me and cook me and then eat me.”

I stared at the keyboard not knowing what to say next. I can’t believe there were actually people out there with this fantasy. I felt both sickened and fascinated.

I then typed back, “So, this is your fantasy, right? It’s all role play?”

“*sigh* another one. What is wrong with you guys on this website? I was told there were definitely people on here who do this and you’re just another fake.”

Not a second later the chat window closed and she was gone. I looked in the dating area again and found another SWF. This time I was going to play along and not act so stupid. Maybe that is what they want? A married 50 year old man to joke around about cooking them? I laughed to myself, a bit disgusted while opening the link to the new chat.

“50 MWM looking for SWF. Is that you?” I typed into the chat.

“Hi, I’m Darla. I don’t do a lot of acronyms. You’re married, white, and male?”

“Yes, that is me. My name is Drake.” I laughed to myself while typing it in. I don’t know, Drake sounded good at the time.

“Well, Drake, if you really are the man I’m looking for then I’m ready. My parents kicked me out last night and I don’t have anywhere to go so I thought maybe I could meet a man like you who could take my body into his so I can live inside you forever.”

This was getting so tacky and I had to ask, “Doesn’t that mean you go out the other side?”

“No, it means we become one. It’s the closest we could ever be together. I’ve never had anyone else. You could have me that way first if you wanted to and then take my life into yours.

“You mean cook you and eat you?”

“Yes,” she responded and sent a picture. She was beautiful but young. She couldn’t have been over 20. Why she would want to waste her life like this was beyond me. Maybe I could save her somehow. Get her to agree to a date and then bring her to the police or a doctor and get her some help. I thought about it for a moment. What could it hurt? I then entered my address into the window.

“Meet you tomorrow at noon? I’m really anxious to meet you.”

“I would like that, Drake.”

Before I could get any of her private information she logged out of the chat. So now what? I just wait around until tomorrow to see if she shows up? Was she at home giggling with a bunch of friends or was she serious about wanting to meet up? What shocked me the most is that I actually gave out my street address to her. Was I insane? I really think I was. I mean I wasn’t going to do anything crazy like offer myself up for a meal or cannibalize her. I just wanted to see what a person like this would be like as an individual. Thinking about it a little more I realized that I could write an article on this sort of thing and maybe win a Pulitzer Prize or get a spot on National Geographic. This enticed me, even more, to look into it deeper.

I tried to get her back online to tell her I just wanted to meet her to see what she was like but she was completely gone. A little anxious, I logged out entirely and tried to forget about the meeting until the next day but I found my nerves on edge. I was nervous about a complete cannibal stranger having my address because for all I knew she was some guy waiting to steal something or even worse really kidnap me and eat me!

The next 12 hours were hard. I barely slept and when I did get some shut eye, I had horrible dreams about being tossed into a stew with other people except I was tossed in whole into a vat of body parts that had been stewing for a while and pieces of meat were sloughing off the bones and becoming one with the soup and then being fed to people at my work for a lunch gathering. Even my boss told everyone that I tasted delicious and made a better stew than any other employee. From my eyes floating around in the stew, I looked up at their eager faces scooping out pieces of me from the vat and declaring how delicious I was while my juices dribbled from their chins.

I woke up in a pool of sweat while gagging and choking. I wasn’t sure if the tears in my eyes were because of the coughing or because the nightmare was so disturbing. After gaining my composure, I quickly took a shower and dressed then waited for my guest to arrive.

When I heard the knock, I opened my door with a little apprehension. I wasn’t sure where all of this was going to lead. When I saw her, however, my nerves calmed. There she was, more beautiful than anyone I knew. She was petite, about 5’1 and thin but curvy. Her eyes were a deep green which went rather lovely with her painted red lips and auburn hair. There was no way in hell this woman was a cannibal or considered herself a long pig. She had too much to offer the world to believe she would become someone’s meal.

“Hi, I’m Drake.” I offered my hand for a handshake.

She pushed my hand aside and gave me a hug instead. She smelled amazing–a perfume of cinnamon, jasmine, and cloves yet a scent I had never known before. My first job was in a department store selling men and women’s cologne so it was just a habit I had taken up and enjoyed.

I offered her some tea and she accepted and maybe a bit relieved. I’m not sure what she expected but hopefully I fit the bill of what she considered a good fantasy role player. I did have some steaks in the fridge we could cook together if she was looking for a meaty lunch.

“You don’t seem the type,” she said between her first sips of tea.

“What do you mean?”

“The type to eat people. I always thought that the men would either be really rough at the edges like criminals or some kind of secluded weirdo similar to Norman Bates but you are neither. You’re pretty normal.”

“Hey, that’s me. Normal as ever.”

“Where do you want to start?” she said as she stood up and began taking off her clothes.

I about choked on my tea as she took off her top and carefully placed it on the chair. “I thought we’d eat some steaks first before going to have some fun?”

“I’m ready to submit everything to you. All of me, Sir. You may do what you want to but I came here for maybe a good f*cking first and then consumed into your flesh forever. Your body into mine and then my body into yours.”

I didn’t know if this was part of the act or she was for real but this woman was as beautiful as ever and I was a little disturbed on how my libido was taking this. I was very excited and wanted every bit of her, but I certainly didn’t want to eat her. I was perplexed by the idea of what to do next as she stepped toward me with her gorgeous body completely uncovered.

“Here, you better put these back on,” I said and handed her clothes. “I wanted to take it slower. Maybe get to know each other before we got intimate?”

She snatched her clothes back from my hands with her painted red lips pursed into a scowl. Even in anger she was beautiful. I really wanted to get to know this woman, but why? Obviously she was a bit of a mental case.

After putting on her clothes and grabbing her purse she headed to the door. She then turned around and spat at me, “All of you men are the same. You’re all fakes. You’re either looking for a one nighter or a relationship.” And with that she left, slamming the door.

That night is when the hate mail started. I received a flood of emails with ads of all kinds, most of them a mix of p*rn sites or for erectile dysfunction. I guess since I refused to fall for the junk, I started receiving messages about what a loser I was and a liar. About how I was just like other men. I’m not sure why she thought that way, I guess I had treated her with respect. When I responded to the text I told her that I was sorry and that I thought she was beautiful and that unlike most men I didn’t take advantage of her.

She responded with a really weird note that said now that she was still alive and hadn’t become eternal by being eaten by a human male that she would be killed and would die in the dirt instead of inside a body. Then the sound of my Doobie Brothers ring tone echoed in my hand. I answered the phone. It was Darla.

“If you were a real cannibal and had eaten me then you had children and taught them your ways of life then they would have done the same. I would have essentially lived forever in the flesh of human DNA and soul along with countless others.” Darla cried into the phone, “Now I’ll be butchered and buried.”

“Why butchered and buried? Isn’t it your choice?”

“That’s the terms of the website. Didn’t you read them? If I offer myself up and you don’t eat my flesh then I am murdered. You really should have read the rules, Drake. I’m afraid for you.”

I shivered in my chair. I hadn’t read the rules. The Terms of Service link passed on by and I just clicked OK. I mean, everything had to be legal on a fantasy site, right?

“They’ll probably be at your door any minute now. They’ll kill you and eat you. Maybe if you escape, run out the back then they won’t find you!”

Just then she hung up and the doorbell rang.

It’s been six months since all of this weird stuff happened. I haven’t used the internet since that night. The doorbell that night was the police. They had been investiating the website and had a court order for all of the information. My name and address were right there for them to view. When I didn’t answer the door at first, they had a warrant to come right inside. I was brought to the station and told them everything. They then turned me over to the FBI. Now I’m in protective custody and they’re using me to lure people to random houses.

I’m scared though. One of the feds who watches my door at night said something really weird. He didn’t think I was listening when I pretended to sleep. He was laughing while talking on the phone. He said he hoped that he had cooked that long pig enough because last time it was too rare for his liking.

Disturbing Deep Web Horror Story Zambian Meats – Creepypasta and Scary Stories Podcast (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.